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As well as delivering traiing and workshops across the country, I've recently had the pleasure of teaming up with the international, best-selling author Andy Cope, to write my first book, Leadership - the multiplier effect

We need three or four short paragraphs here that talk about your book. Perhaps start by saying how you and Andy worked with your colleague Mike (you'll have to mention him, as his name is on the book, but miss his surname to keep this page focused on you and your association with andy).

You can then mention there was a gap in the market for a book on leadership that didn't take itself as seriously as the others, but still delivered some heavy weight content. Talk about the sort of leader this book is aimed at.

It's probably also worth mentioning that you're already working on your next book (even if you're not!) and that people can follow your blog and connect with you on social media to be kept up to date.

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