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Thanks For The Feedback

This workshop is for anyone who has responsibility for the performance of others (managers) and for those who can and wish to positively influence and support improved performance in their colleagues.

What participants will gain from the programme.

One of the key skills for any manager is to learn the science and art of giving and receiving feedback to improve performance, and to deal with, what at first might appear to be "difficult conversations".

At the end of this workshop you will have:

  • A clear understanding of the 3 key types of useful feedback, and the purpose of each.
  • Gained an understanding of the psychological and emotional barriers to both offering and "landing" effective feedback and learnt the skills to overcome these.
  • Developed an effective toolkit to plan, prepare and deliver feedback that makes a positive difference for people
  • Practiced the core skills required for delivering (and receiving) powerful, positively intended feedback
  • Had the opportunity to practice giving and receiving feedback is a safe environment
  • Had the opportunity to plan and prepare a "real-life" feedback message that will make a positive difference to someone's behaviour and performance


A participative workshop, with a mixture of input and facilitated discussion. It includes opportunities to practice giving and receiving feedback.

What people say...


My session with Jonathan was indepth, insightful, and exciting. With his attention and guidance I was able to distill my understanding about my work and my relationship to my work and my customers into a very precise statement that was empowering and resonant with what I want to achieve with my work . Thank you Jonathan.

Lucianne Lasselle Artist & Sculpture

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